Best water filter buying guide

Best water filter buying guide

How to buy the right water filter for your home or business?

People have become concerned about the quality of the water they drink, no doubt fueled by reports that in certain areas of the country, dangerous carcinogens have been found in drinking water. Those areas have been linked to abnormally high levels of deaths due to cancer. These fears in turn have fueled an explosive growth in bottled water which is a very expensive, eco-unfriendly and ultimately ineffective solution; we not only drink water, but we cook with it and bathe in it.

Whether or not you actually need a water purifier depends on two things: firstly, whether you have well water in which the answer is most certainly yes, or secondly, whether you are on municipal treated water, in which the answer is maybe. The true answer to “need” can only be answered if you send off a sample of your water to an independent testing lab. Home test kits are only informative up to a point and will not give you a complete answer. But another consideration is that filtered water almost always tastes better.

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