- Premium Material
- High quality equipments
- Timely production
- Consistent quality
- Rich experience
- Prompt customer service
How To Be Our Distributor
To become a distributor – Our products are great demonstration products: 1.Easy and fast sales. 2.Unbelievably high mark-up. 3.Verse product line to a wide range of customers. 4.Sales material – posters, CDU`s and more. 5.Manufacture warranty and after sale service. Our products will sale fast both as shelve products and as a demonstration products. The product range and the relevantly low RRP will assure a fast sale and great mark -up for any retailer.
G5 - ROME - ITALIATo become a wholesaler/distributor – we offer you the entire necessary backup: 1.Top of the line products. 2.Great Mark up. 3.All the medical device (CE) approval. 4.All the ISO standards for the products. 5.Display units. Assistance with catalogues, pricelists, counters and shelves display material and more.