It is essential ventilation and air conditioning system is the main force of the air filter. Made of bags is mainly to meet the large amount of wind, low resistance requirements. The proper use of the bag filter is to install a prefilter at the front of the bag filter, typically using a disposable paper or metal frame prefilter. This effectively prevents the bag filter from directly contacting harsh environments.
We have a regular return visit to customers and found that some users in order to save costs and reduce the installation process, in the front of the bag filter disposable paper filter or metal frame filter to the use of the term after the widespread use of direct effect The bag filter is used as the first stage filter. Resulting in the effect of bag filter used in harsh environment, shortened life expectancy, not according to the original design requirements for the use of this product. This situation should be avoided as far as possible, on the surface, although the increase in a filter purchase costs increased, but through the actual operation of air conditioning, front-end filter can be installed to extend the bag filter replacement cycle, the total maintenance costs in the long run instead Reduced.